Friday, March 26, 2010

004... "I don't think of myself as giving interviews. I just have conversations. that gets me in trouble."

For those of you who listen to shockingbuggy's YouTube production, Dubber's Radio , you may have heard that on Episode 3 I get the honor of being a guest and doing an interview with her--about HP, about dubbing, and a little bit about me thrown in there. I'm pretty bad with talking "live", and talking about myself in general, but I was excited for the chance to do it and flattered that she asked me.

Well, we officially recorded it last night, and it was a blast. I think it wouldn't have been as good of an experience had I not known my interviewer, but because Buggy and I are good friends it turned into what every good interview should be--a conversation, much more than a bunch of questions and responses. I believe our final recording time was an hour and a half (don't worry, you won't have to listen to all of that!)--counting all the times we got distracted and watched Power Rangers and talked about religion--and the bulk of that hour-thirty I think brought out some really good questions (and hopefully good answers!) that I hope the YouTube audience will enjoy listening to.

I don't know how much I should say about it or how much 'suspense' Buggy wants built up, but to give you a little taste, some of the questions asked were about how I got into dubbing and the things I like about it most, how Hana Project started and why, what my opinions and thoughts are on the success of Hana Project, how we deal with the haters that come with the YouTube 'popularity', etc. I gave a lot of long answers that I'm sure she's going to have to cut down some (sorry I'm so verbose!), and there were even some that she gave her insight on as well, being a sub-leader.

In the end, I also was asked to sit in and help do critique at the end, which was a dub (won't name off which one just yet!) by HoshizoraDubs. It ended up being a long critique, but one that I think the producer of that group can be really helped by and get a lot out of--which is what a critique should be, so yay on that!

Anyway, not sure when the episode will be edited and up on YouTube, especially since there's a lot of editing to do to get it down to manageable length, but it should be soon, so look forward to it!


  1. Ohmygosh! I am really looking forward to this!!!

  2. It should be fun--Buggy said our interview was funny when she listened over it again. XD

    Oh, and thanks for mentioning my blog on yours!
